For Health, Wealth & Happiness
Finished this Money Tree on canvas as part of a new series of plant paintings I’ve been working on. This technique of using hand cut stencils is really doing it for me. I’ve always been inspired by Matisse’s cut paper and art. I feel like I can finally make art how I see the world. More to come.
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New Spotify Playlist
Going to try something new here. Follow jeffwalters81 for a fresh 1.5 hour mix each month @spotify.
With so much time in the studio, and with it feeling like new beginnings around here because of the continued pandemic, I’m really missing connecting over music in design studios. I’ve put together a playlist of some of the jams that have been on while working. I’ll be sliding a new playlist in there every month.
Denver Shop Partner
Bottles and Bitters at Sloan’s Lake is now carrying the Wash Your Hands tote bags. Thanks for the partnership and continued friendly service. Very happy to be among your shelves. Check out their prime selection, located at 5219 W. 25th Ave, Edgewater, Colorado.
Shop Now Open →
New shop now open at Free shipping all month, enter code “FREESHIP” at checkout. Thanks for all your support.
Shop Here!
COVID-19 Benefit Bags
Had an idea while washing my hands this morning. Should we print and sell these totes, then donate $ to coronavirus relief? Contact if interested! Have a nice day.
Alternative ID
Collaborating with artists is one of my favorite parts of the job as a designer. Here are some alternate identity designs for future collabs. I’m excited for the potential of designing apparel, home decor and experiential spaces.
Art ©Orlova Maria
Art ©Jon Tyson
Art ©Briana Wallace