I've been working overtime making a new brand called, Son of Scorpio. Here's a look at some of the first designs. There will be an online shop at sonofscorpio.com soon.
I can't wait to continue designing and leading this brand. I see it as a creative vehicle, an outlet for my fashion and design passions. I'm designing sensible supplies, for people with style. It's from my heart. Follow on instagram @sonofscorpio_co
This is daunting and exciting. I've decided to launch my own trademark called Son of Scorpio. This artist owned brand will be one to supply dry goods and sensibilities to those who resonate with them. Here are some graphics I've been working on.
"Applying interaction-design thinking to identity design results in logos that can be 'highly logical, very stripped down'." -David Turner
"And in what may be the most surprising development in modern identity design, we’re increasingly learning how to do it ourselves—using the tenets of branding that have been established in professional circles, to create symbols for movements." -Debbie Millman